Logo Hydrogen Fuel Cells Slovakia

Hydrogen Fuel Cells Slovakia

The association is an independent legal entity that can acquire rights and obligations in its own name.
The purpose of establishment: supporting of development of hydrogen technologies in SR
Registered office: Ilkovičova 3, 812 19 Bratislava – Karlova Ves
IČO: 52065731
Members of the preparatory committee:
Prof. Ing. Viktor Ferencey, PhD.
Assoc.Prof. Eng. Ján Vlnka, PhD.
Ing. Ferdinand Bulla

Focus of theoretical research on PEM fuel cells

  • Topological, physical and numerical models of proposed systems with hydrogen PEM fuel cells

  • Modeling of the PEM fuel cell system based on computational fluid dynamics

Paralelné rozloženie chladiacich kanálov
Parallel distribution of cooling channels (a) liquid velocity (b) liquid temperature
  • Modeling of PEM fuel cell subsystems in 1D, 2D and 3D

Infraštruktúra tepelného manažmentu palivového článku
  • Implementation of PEM fuel cell models for simulations in the Matlab/Simulink environment

Simulačný model termálneho subsystému
  • Energy balance analyzes of hydrogen PEM fuel cell systems

Algoritmy energetickej bilancie PEM palivového článku

Application of artificial intelligence methods for managing PEM fuel cell systems

  • Designs of linear and non-linear control models for PEM fuel cells
  • Non-linear model management of functional processes of the hydrogen PEM fuel cell system
  • Elements of artificial intelligence in the process of controlling the combined system of PEM fuel cell, storage batteries and supercapacitor

System proposals for practical applications in energy, transport and construction

Proposal for the use of hydrogen technologies in the energy systems of the hydropower plant;
(Project study – Gabčíkovo)


System solutions for the use of PEM fuel cells for autonomous wheeled vehicles with electric drive;
(Feasibility study for BOAT 4X4 autonomous vehicle)

System solutions for the use of PEM fuel cells for electric drives of railway locomotives.
(Feasibility study – ŽOS Zvolen)

Locomotive - Fuel Cell

System solutions for the use of PEM fuel cells for electric drives of short- and medium-range aircraft.
(Analytical study – LET Kunovice)

Hydrogen aircraft